View Profile S-E5000

67 Movie Reviews

26 w/ Responses

WHAT A COMEDY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Graphics/Animation: Lol basic but it was comical. (7)
Style/Originality: A few around of taking the piss of battles...... but yours is by far top 5 lol. (10)
Sound: Hmmmm there were several problems where it skipped/cut off. (5)
Violence: None lol (0)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: Kinda basic pre-loader :| (0)
Humor: HAHA people that don't find this funny has no sense of humor lol. (10)
Overall: A great comedy pokemon battle. (10)

Errors/Tips: Like is said about the sounds cutting of here and there.
Lol that had to be the most pathetic battle however the most funniest lol. The lines that had me rofl were :
Team rocket can suck my balls
Use hyperbeam ........ WTF you mean you dont know hyperbeam.
Incredible humor my friend keep it up ^^


An O.k flash .... not great, but ok

Graphics/Animation: Well the best part of the animation was the energy balls and the explosions. (7)
Style/Originality: Not very original as there are a few Goku V.S Broly's going around. (3)
Sound: Not bad song.... ok for this flash. (4)
Violence: No violence .... doubt if there was any need. (0)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: Basic Pre-Loader and the Continue bar was ok but when it's scrolled over it did kinda go off the screen. (3)
Humor: Ifound when they took a breather .... how fast they went made lol for a bit. (10)
Overall: An ok flash ......

1: Fix the Continue button so it doesn't go off the screen.
Comment: This was a good flash .... could of been a little longer and you may want to leave out the stickman


export-gold responds:

yea I uploaded the wrong file... ;p


Graphics/Animation: OUTSTANDING. The 3D effects were great and very well used. Mecha Sonic's final energy ball was very well animated also. (10)
Style/Originality: The style is increasing every episode. As for the originality .... no one can compare to this. (10)
Sound: Great choice in music, especially the fight between Mecha Sonic and the Axem Rangers.
Violence: Even though this had no blood (Doesn't need to be included) i guess crushing Green's head makes it kinda violent (10)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: Lol I like the little intro's on every episode...... they amuse me. (10)
Humor: Loads in this 1. The Homer simpson scream, the part with luigi's face, Wario's head on fire made lol gfor ages and is makeing me smile as im wrighting this review. (10)
Overall: Yeat another incredible episode. (10)

Errors/Tips: None I could see........
Thanks for allowing me to be a BETA Tester once again. The series is greatly becomeing popular and it should by now really have it's own Series collection thing. Looking foreward to SMBZ7.


Good but, I don't want a science lesson

Graphics/Animation: Ok, you serioustly know your stuff on sprites etc. (10)
Style/Originality: Well this was very original....... It's nothing I've seen on NG before. (10)
Sound: Catchy theme but, after hearing it over and over it kinda got lame. (5)
Violence: No violence but it was not required. (0)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: I was likeing the Pre-Loader, that spiny thing lol. The buttons were ok to I guess. (10)
Humor: None but, yet again not required, however you could of added a little humor not for people to get bored.
Overall: Overall it was good but it was basicaly a science lesson.... something I really didn't want to see! =_=

Errors/Tips: No errors I could see.
Comment: Well just try to make the next one (If you plan on another one) a little more entertaining. Other than that keep up your good work and good luck in future *Thumbs up*


Liquid-Phoenix responds:

Surely I deserved a slightly higher overall rating though? Lol, ignore me.

I guess this movie was mostly exploited for showing off the new 3D designs I'm using as well, hence the long intro. I don't think I'll be making a third tutorial. Thanks for watching though.

Sorry man ...... it didn't work for me

Graphics/Animation: It was kinda choppy as during their stance they were all over the place. Also when X and Zero landed after Sonic, Knuckles and Amy leave they wetn from tiny to regular. (4)
Style/Originality: Not very original at all as it copied Matrix. Some style but not good enough. (1)
Sound: Well at first there was no sound so that kind of annoyed me. The music used was ok but seemed to jump from song to song so easily you should of made 1 song per scene. (2)
Violence: No violence, yet it wasn't required but if it is in a flash obvioustly the violence grows. (0)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: Well the only interactive button I saw was the Replay button which no offense was kind of an amature. (1)
Humor: No humor but yet again not always required in a movie but, it is always nice to make the viewers giggle a little and it could boost your number out of 5 from something like a 2 to a 3-5. (0)
Overall: Well overall I do think you have something going here. All that I think you require is some flash tutorials. Obvioustly you can make flash and understand the cutting etc, but all I'm saying is you could serioustly improve trust me. (3)

1: The choppy sprite work.
2: Add more music.
3: Learn to create a kick ass button
Comment: It was an ok attempt, even though I aint a fan of Matrix I do think you have potential if you practise a little before you realease your next part.


KIRBYLINK responds:

i know it sucks i made this about a year ago.

i'm much better now and am working on a RPG for newgrounds


Graphics/Animation: Nicely done good graphics but not great (7)
Style/Originality: Hmmmm alot of Pokemon killing parody's but it was ok (5)
Sound: needed some background music (3)
Violence: lol 1: dropping a TV on Pikachu 2: takeing Charmanders head off with a ninja star (10)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: Nice pre-loader but not other activity (4)
Humor: don't get me wrong it was good but it didn't make me laugh (2)
Overall: A good Pokemon Parody (7)

Errors/Tips: None i could see
Comment: This I think deserves to be on the FRONT PAGE !!!!!!!!!!


Pezboy440 responds:

Thanks for watching and revueing!


Graphics/Animation: Very Very Good (10)
Style/Originality: Well although Square Enix and Disney didnt include Sonic amoung others, it was not really original but it was half of yours (5)
Sound: Good KH Themes (7)
Violence: A good flash doesnt require alot of blood and gore to make it good but i would of liked to have seen more heartless battles (3)
Interactivity/Pre-Loader: Basic Pre-Loader (in future try creating 1 of your own its quite simple (1)
Humor: No humor no need it was an action flash (0)
Overall: That has gotta be the best flash ive watched today so far (10)

1: Increase the number of battles
2: Produce a better pre-loader .... i aint saying its bad but its just basic
Comment: Your first flash this is gonna be your first success.... where did you get those heartless sprites .... cant wait for next episode ....................... good luck


Linkolas21 responds:

thank you for the tips... i'll make sure i improve on all those things for the next flash

S - E 5 0 0 0 ......Got it memorised?

Scott Evans @S-E5000

Age 34, Male



Joined on 4/21/06

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